

Monday, December 19, 2011

Redneck Gingerbread Trailers

In honor of my slightly redneck hometown, Vidor (pronunciation: VIII-Dore), 
Travis had the grand idea to build redneck gingerbread trailers!

Believe me... it was a blast with plenty of laughs all night!

What a Masterpiece!
By: Travis, Brittany, & Danielle
Notice the detail... toilet in the front yard, Confederate flag, satellite, FEMA tarp on the 
side, broken window, Keepe Out! (misspelled), shot gun on the porch= perfect:)

Another Masterpiece!
By: Tyson, Amber, Landon, & Ben
Notice the detail... clothes on the line, mailbox, satellite, fancy wreath, and FEMA tarp!

Now don't get me wrong... we truly love what makes Vidor special: REDNECKS

Team Tolman


  1. Those gingerbread trailers are too funny! You guys are so clever. :)

  2. Oh my..trashing the homeland! Well, as my mother told me. We many live here but we do not ACT like hillbillies!
    FYI to all your readers...we do NOT live in one of these:)

  3. How cute!! I love the FEMA Tarp! hahahah! Anabelle rock climbing is hilarious! lol

  4. Those are hilarious! Great idea for a Gingerbread house!
