

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Big Sister Date w/ Daddy

We are trying to "prep" Annabelle for our newest arrival (4 weeks left!!) and have come up with some fun ideas to get her excited on becoming a BIG SISTER! One of our ideas is to go on two "big sister dates," one with daddy then one with mom. Travis took Annabelle on their date Friday night and boy did she take is S.E.R.I.O.U.S.L.Y! Travis called from work to officially "ask her out" Friday morning and she talked about it ALL day. It was so adorable:)

Annabelle's Date Prep:
*"Mom, I need to take a bath and get all clean and then put piggy tails in my hair for date wif daddy!"
*She picked out at least 7 outfits- luckily I persuaded her to wear a matching one;)
*She packed her purse with all the essentials: 2 tubes of lip gloss & a credit card (a.k.a. Sam's club)

Trav said he was constantly trying to get Annabelle to consider a boy outfit, but she kept going back to the pink clothes. We have definitely raised a little Princess;)

After shopping, the obvious decision was McDonald's playplace!
Annabelle loved playing and not having to hear us say, "you need to eat before you can play."

Enjoy some videos!
Super excited for her date

Boy or Girl?

And my personal favorite: Travis asks, " What do Mommy's & Daddy's do on dates?"
Annabelle says, "They bring purses, fanny packs, and don't talk!"
Kids say the best stuff;)

Team Tolman

P.S. Mommy Date Coming Soon!