Things About Annabelle:
- Annabelle weighs just under 20 lbs. (43 percentile) and is 29" tall (90 percentile). She must have a high metabolism and we call her the "model baby"!
- Annabelle walks everywhere and has been since 8 1/2 months! I think we have a determined little one on our hands:)
- She can say four words: Dada, Mama, wow, and ball.
- She is a little climber! Annabelle tries to climb on anything she can find: her stroller, the couch, my bed, up and out of her crib, stairs, Grandma's piano bench, and inside my kitchen drawers!
- Annabelle has several nicknames: Bunners, Bunny, Bear, Annabaluzza (Our friends the Kings), Squmper Muffin (Grammie's creation) and Mater (Uncle Keith's contribution).
- She can clap her hands and play patty-cake.
- Hide-and-Go-Seek is her favorite game! She just grins and jumps every time she finds us:)
- She loves, loves, loves books! She will bring me a book to read to her at least every 20 minutes. Her favorite book is "Brown Bear Brown Bear" and when Grammie was here, Annabelle made her read it 5x in a row!
- She understands 13 words: bite, more, milk, book, no (although she gives me a grin when I say "No"), kisses, come here, ball, park, up (hold her), down, and drink.
- She knows two words in sign language: milk and more. We are working on a few more.
- Annabelle can do a squat for forever, a pull-up on the edge of the piano, Daddy's pull-up bar, the bathroom counter and anything else she can find. And... she has learned to throw a ball! I think she's got the athletic gene:)
- She knows how to push herself down the slide and absolutely loves it! Again and again.... I have yet to out play her on the slide:)
- She has six teeth and has moved up to finger foods! She eats squash, sweet potatoes, yams, green beans, peas, carrots, cream corn, chicken, ground beef, chicken noodle soup, spaghetti, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, baby cereal, applesauce, strawberries (her favorite food), peaches, pears, bananas, watermelon, and occasionally ice cream (when Daddy's not around)!
- Her favorite toys are a purple walrus (which Danielle named "Ernie"), BYU ball, and cell phones;)
Funny Things She Does:
- She LOVES to unroll the toilet paper all over the bathroom!
- She climbs under my kitchen sink and practices getting in the cabinet and coming out
- She unloads all of my kitchen drawers, especially the tuperware.
- Anything I have recently folded or put-away she goes to destroy right when I'm finished.
- She spits at you when you annoy her. It's quite hilarious, but we try to not encourage her;)
- If you lay out an assortment of toys: a ball, rattle, and a doll, but then throw in some headphones or a cell phone.... she ALWAYS goes for the technology items! She is definitely her Daddy's child;)
Our sweet girl is always full of surprises! She is amazingly good and Aunt Danielle calls her the "Magical Baby". Enjoy some recent pictures of Annabelle at 10 months.
The destruction of the toilet paper!

My Pink Ballerina:)
Eating bark at the Park:)
Annabelle is a water baby!
Ernie, her purple walrus!
My Pink Ballerina:)
Eating bark at the Park:)
Annabelle is a water baby!
Ernie, her purple walrus!
Two Proud Parents;)